How to elevate the body in a healthy and natural way

Generally the growth limit for men ends at the age of 16, whereas for women between the ages of 14-15 years. After passing that age, there is no instant healthy way to elevate the body. Even so, you do not need to worry because there are still several ways to raise a healthy and natural body. A person's height is determined by many factors, such as growth and development patterns, when reaching puberty, nutritional intake, and the presence or absence of chronic illness. However, genetic factors play the most important role in a person's growth patterns and maximum height.

Various Ways to Raise a Healthy and Natural Body

Until now, the truth is still not proven effective about how to elevate the body after passing through a period of growth. However, the following ways you can try to help your body posture appear taller, and optimize healthy and natural height growth:
  • Improve posture

  • The bending position, especially when sitting, tends to make the spine become abnormal and muscles become weak. This condition can make the body appear shorter. Therefore, straighten your back and pull your shoulders back. You can also do exercises designed to improve your posture. Consult a doctor or gymnastics instructor to help develop a routine that is right for you.
  • Improve diet

  • A healthy lifestyle is an important thing that must be lived by everyone, especially children who are entering a period of growth. Apply a healthy and nutritious diet, including meeting daily needs for vitamin D that are good for bone health. Some types of food sources of vitamin D are salmon, tuna, cheese, and other dairy products, such as yogurt, margarine and ice cream.
  • Enough sleep

  • In addition, sleep patterns also affect body health. Recommended sleep patterns for adolescents and adults, ranging from 7-9 hours per day. Although there is no relation between how to elevate the body with diet and sleep patterns, both are considered important because it is very influential on general health, which can allow the growth and development process to take place optimally.
  • Always actively exercising

  • There are several sports that are considered effective as a way to elevate the body, including jumping rope, biking, swimming, playing basketball and tennis, running or walking, yoga, push-ups, and sit-ups. Although research has not been supported as a way to elevate the body, but the sport can help maintain body health.
A healthy lifestyle will also help to maintain ideal body weight, so growth becomes more optimal and makes the body appear taller. Perform the steps above as a way to elevate the body in a healthy and natural way. Always be careful with various body enhancing products that are commonly found on the market, ranging from milk, supplements, or pills. We recommend that you first consult with a doctor, related to safety and risk of side effects of these products.


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